Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So I was falling asleep amisdt blue night stars glistening, sitting with intention at the river, with my leafy viney friend, the physical pain, who was wrapped around the little girl, the one who still hurts a lot.  I let them know it was ok, and there was a ritual afoot.

But --- mainly, within the dream it all came down to the one moment I expelled a phlegm of some sort from my mouth and nose.  I noticed it was dark, murky rich Green.  And I remembered my chinese medicine, the liver, the gall bladder, wood and anger, jealousy and hard qualities, darkness....and also remembered that the darker it is, the better it is, because it means it's coming OUT.  Disgusting a visual as this is, it made me very happy.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Three Point Turn

And so the rise and the fall, again.  I thought I had escaped the dark pod, and I did, but I forgot to shut the door.  "The truth will set you free, but not until it is finished with you".  I wish your mind was still sitting patiently in the sun, in the stands watching the tennis, DFW.  You were right.

It's a pretty obvious plot.  I am driving, but have left the main roads, and am lost in a village of which I do not know.  Soon, the car chugs along up a hill, and the tall grasses, weed like and exotic, are all stacked up in the floor of the car, as I move deeper into the seeming abyss.  But it is not an abyss at all, just a patch of deep greenery in an unknown place.  I fear for a moment, that there are strange creatures living in the vines, and now in the car with me.  But I let that go, and I make a very sharp, but slow and calculated three point turn, as I see locals and their lands watching me do so.  Calm, and assured, the car is turned around, and back down the hill I go to wherever is next, and meant to be.