Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kansas City (1999)

*An oldy but goody written in Sackville, New Brunswick Canada - an ode to my canadian jaunt and an ode to the notion of Kansas City from last night*

curling limbs like a powder dry child
grouches mildew shopping list
sun curiously mild

narcotics bellow
beast of yellow-stained grace
crackling pavement
liquid petals medicine betrayed
circling town from walls misguided

inspiration fails
violence never will
curves promising
greed yielding
strums its mindful way
to hamlets trees old family ways

dull knife butters day old bread crumbs
cuts inside childrens sleep to pieces
never returning school days

before creaking bed
wicked wills
whining temples
toward little isolating room

touch of mother’s love
destroys clustering completely
nearly noon a spiraling tune
slips over and beneath conscious play
just as mistress of the house
fains ravaged claims victim
in the false blood

Kansas City back bedroom

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