Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Until We Meet Again

Hey there.  So, I tend to blame you for lots of what's wrong with me, credit you as the one who made me as deviantly blessed and selflessly liberated as I am, and recognize that you were there in the place when I lost my whole world, and as I've said, to myself, before, I'll never forget that.  Still, it's been a Long time and I think I've closed the old door numerous times and months (possibly years) back.  Was just really...surprising and interesting to see you again like that in my dream.

You looked like you always did, and it came off as some kind of "just ran into you" meeting.  It wasn't a bad feeling, nor was there any embracing.  I seem to think we went to a bar and talked a bit over some drinks....the hows and whys, the past and other things I can't put into words which were communicated in that dreaming language that moves too fast for ours- too far in from the depths of, I suppose, me (they say everyone is a facet of you in the dream, don't they?).  Still, we didn't talk of our lives now, and there were no angry words or tears, old feelings or just was pretty clear that we needed to do this, and we said goodbye on this plane, catching up on the time continuum that I thought was running pretty smoothly over on this side of things.  And, that was it.  No image of either of us walking off, a casual and good natured feeling of completion was all that remained.

I wasn't expecting this, nor did it rattle my feathers any.  It was pleasant, familiar, and was delivered solely to my door (bed) after I looked the harvest moon straight in the eye sometime around the witching hour.  It must have seen that act as a direct summoning of something, and I was happy with what I got.  I woke up on this celestial birthday of my celestial father (80 in human years) easy, tired, and all around myself.  It was mad, grand, dirty, a hard lesson and fun to know you.  Take care, now.  Keep dreaming.

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